Corporate Office
535 Court St
Reading, PA 19601
(484) 930-0995
Erie, PA Office
1260 W. 8th St
Erie, PA 16502
(484) 930-0995
New York Office
540 Court St # 2003
Brooklyn, NY 11231
(347) 343-9007
Research for Commercial Entities
Here at A+ Investigations & Protection LLC. we have developed investigative resources to help with any investigation. It has become a passion of ours to develop sources and contacts that would reveal any information you suspect may be hidden from you.
We are not a “point and click” type of Research Company but we instead focus on getting verified, actual source information that is conducted within Federal and State privacy legislation guidelines. Our staff is made up of experienced skip-tracers and former law enforcement that have extensive experience in financial crimes.
All information is returned to your provided email address.
If required information is not provided, additional fees may apply without notice to complete your order. All orders must be in writing via email. No phone orders will be accepted. Orders received after 3pm Eastern Time may not be processed until the following business day. Office hours are Monday – Friday 8:30am – 5pm Eastern Time.
Guarantee: 100% money back or correction made
On research information except database searches; rush fees, attempt fees; turnaround times and verbal quotes are not guaranteed. Guarantee applies only to errors in information actually found on the date research completed and not to omissions. Disputes must be written and sent to us within 30 days of invoice with authoritative documentation. Suspicion or conjecture of an “error” or omission is not grounds for dispute, circumstances may warrant variance, but at A+ Investigations & Protection LLC sole discretion. Prices subject to change. Clients are responsible to confirm pricing before placing orders.
If rush or ASAP is requested on orders a minimum additional charge of 30% of the hit rate will apply to the order including no hits, plus the no hit fee. The order will be worked on next by the assigned researcher, but due to complexities of the order, the order may still not be completed immediately.
Prices subject to change. Clients are responsible to confirm pricing before placing orders. All charges are listed and billed unless “No Hit” charges are listed specifically. Research fee of $75 per hour on special investigations not listed below. Surveillance fees are a minimum of $75 per hour and are geographically rated.
All Searches are processed in strict compliance of the Gramm-Leach Bliley Act of 1999 as well as all other applicable Federal and State laws including FCRA and FDCPA.
No account numbers will be provided for Bank or Investment account locates.

When You Need Someone to Trust, You can Count on A+
Criminal & Civil Investigations
Service of Process, Infidelity / Cheating Spouse, Surveillance, Insurance, Worker’s Compensation, Nationwide Background Checks, Witness Statements, Statements of the Accused and more…
People Locating & Skip-Tracing
Fugitives / Bail Jumpers, Missing Persons, Deadbeat Parents, Long-Lost Loved Ones, Debtors, Relatives, Witnesses, Defendants and more…
Security and Protection
Uniformed Officers, Undercover Officers, Loss Prevention, Event Officers, Roaving Mobile Patrols, Armed, Unarmed, Bodyguards / Executive Protection and more…
Training Services
Security Training, Bodyguard / Executive Protection, Fire Safety, OC Spray, Baton, Hancuffing, First Aid & CPR, Bounty Hunter / Fugitive Recovery Training, Response to Terrorism, Infectous Control and more…